Exploring NZ Waters (part 1)

Ah, New Zealand and waters, two inseparable things that I admire for their beauty. Well, from the Water Quality Science course I enrolled in in the first semt, Kevin told us about rivers, lakes, estuaries, and fjordlands as important water bodies that are prone to contamination by anthropogenic activities. Somehow, I managed to check some of great fjordland and pristine lakes during last winter break in south island (Te Waipounamu). Also not forget to mention the amazing rivers in the north (Te Ika-a-Māui) and south island such as Waikato river.

I want to share the beauty I witnessed to readers out there. And this exploration won’t be just about the body of waters, there will be an amalgamation of complete beauty that includes southern alpine and urban significance. Then shall we start with some pictures?



Lake Wakatipu @Glenorchy, Otago Region, NZ

What a beauty! Le lac est très beau! The lake is a large body of water that stretches from Kingston in the southerend, to Queenstown in the middle, towards Glenorchy to the north. To get this view, we walked several meters through the beach part of the lake nearby Glenorchy Wharf. The reflection on the lake were captured at the time with vibe of sun setting and clarity. I also took a picture in one of the scenic lookouts along the road between Gleorchy and Queenstown. These two pictures were taken here  at Twenty Five Mile Stream.

(To be continued)

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